Frequently Asked Questions

May the answers below help you find clarity in your decision regarding Esoteric Energy Healing Therapy Sessions.
What is Esoteric Healing or Energy Healing?

Esoteric Healing is a way of balancing the human being’s energetic system in order to facilitate wellness in the mind, body, and spirit. Techniques are performed off the body. Through training, commitment, meditative focus, and sensitized hands, an Esoteric Healing Practitioner utilizes specific energy points to bring an individual’s energy field into balance thus producing a more flowing, healthy state.

Everything in existence is made of energy. It permeates all living things and it makes up the foundation or scaffolding upon which the physical body is built. Seven major centers or chakras exist within the human energy field. Each center vitalizes a related endocrine gland, nerve center, or internal organ that creates the body’s functioning systems, such as the digestive, immune, or respiratory systems.

Balance and Harmony are reflected in a healthy person. Dis-ease is reflected in a person whose system is congested and filled with discord.

It is widely known that negative thought patterns have an adverse effect on the body’s vitality, while a joyous outlook and positivity supports general wellness and longevity. Good Health is obtained when the human being is balanced mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. When you have balance, everything is working together.

Esoteric healing is a modality of Energy Healing that brings the energy in ones system into balance thus creating Energetic Wellness.

What can I expect from an Esoteric Energy Healing Therapy Session?

You can expect me to obtain a brief history upon booking the appointment. Block out about 1.5hrs of your time for your treatment. At the appointment time, you will call me and before we begin the treatment, we will briefly go over your situation including anything new that has arisen. You will then relax either by sitting in a comfortable chair or lying down, you will be instructed to breathe and focus within. You may play soft music if you wish. You are the healer in each session, I am the facilitator.

The session will last about one-hour, so it is important that you are comfortable during the session. You may feel nothing during the session, or you may experience a tingling or a deep sense of relaxation. You may even fall asleep. At the end of the session, I will text you that I’ve finished the treatment so you can get up and move about. I will email you my findings and we will have a follow-up call the next day to go over your treatment session. Schedule about 10-30 minutes for this follow-up call. You get a total of 2 to 2.5hrs of my time with each session.

What is Distance Healing?

Energy follows thought, so there is no constriction of time or space when working with the energy field. Through intention and training, and Esoteric Healing Practitioner facilitates the balancing of a client’s energy field (chakras with nervous system; endocrine system; internal organs) through the balancing of triangles of the affected imbalances or dis-ease. Distance healing means the client need not be in close proximity with the Facilitator Practitioner in order to receive the benefits of a treatment. You get to relax in the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need to schedule drive time, traffic, or even be in the same geographic location as the Esoteric Healing Practitioner.

All my energy sessions are distance healing sessions.

Distance Healing Video

Does Esoteric / Energy Healing Work for Everyone?

The majority of clients benefit considerably. They notice a feeling of well-being and, in some, their particular pain, malady, or situation disappears all together. A very small percentage do not recognize the benefit at all and then there are those that although they do not readily notice a change, the treatment allows them a shift in their physical / etheric, emotional, mental, or spiritual energy fields that helps bring about long held desires for tangible change.

An example of this: You got the job, bought the house, or started the business and although you didn’t attribute these long desired changes to the energy healing session, the energy shift produced from the treatment allowed those things to manifest.

According to the National Association of Esoteric Healing, about 75% of clients benefit considerably. About 10% do not recognize the benefits at all and about 15% find that although their direct problem is not helped, there is an inner change which helps make their health problem more manageable.

What are the Benefits of Esoteric or Energy Healing?

There are many benefits one may experience from an Esoteric Healing Energy Session.

Here are a few:

  • Aids in releasing stress and tension
  • Assists and accelerates the body’s ability to heal
  • Removes energy blocks bringing the body into balance and harmony
  • Supports the Immune System
  • Promotes peaceful sleep
  • Increases vitality
  • Helps you get “un-stuck”
  • Helps create optimism and helps assist bringing stillness from within
  • Helps the body release toxins
  • Cleans, clears, and balances the chakras
  • Does NOT replace Western Medicine or Consulting Your Physician, but can help with your physical and emotional issues
  • Compliments traditional medicine: May help with acute or chronic problems – does NOT replace consulting your physician
  • Balances your soul and your personality
  • Aids in deepening your spiritual experience
  • Creates a shift in energy that promotes balance which, over time, allows subconscious manifesting to take place.
What is the Price for an Esoteric Energy Healing Therapy Session?

I charge $125.00 per session.

For payment, I prefer PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. But for your convenience, I will accept your credit card at the beginning of your appointment.

You receive about 2 to 2 1/2 hours of my time for each session. I begin about a half-hour before the appointment time with a meditative focus. You call me at the appointment time and we briefly discuss your specific issues again, or anything new that has come up.

You schedule between 1 to 1.5hrs of your time for the appointment. Afterward, I will email you. Then we will have a follow-up call the day after the treatment for any questions / observations you may have. Set aside about 10 to 30 minutes for the follow-up call.

Payment Options

What Happens if I need to Reschedule or Cancel My Appointment?

To cancel or reschedule your appointment, notify me at 417-230-7009 or email me at If it is close to your appointment time, please call instead of emailing. When calling, leave a voicemail with all the pertinent information. If you are canceling and not rescheduling, you MUST do so at least 48 hours in advance or there is no refund.

Are there Professional Esoteric Energy Healing Organizations?

INEH – International Network of Energy Healers

INEH of North America

NAEH – National Association of Esoteric Healers


It is important to understand that an Esoteric Healing Practitioner DOES NOT DIAGNOSE conditions nor performs medical treatment, prescribe substances, and DOES NOT INTERFERE with treatments of a licensed medical professional.

The Esoteric Energy Healing Therapy is in no way meant to compete with or replace the treatment of traditional Western or Eastern Medical Doctors or licensed Therapists / Counselors.

It is also important to understand that an Esoteric Energy Healing Therapy Session is an OFF BODY modality. It works well with all other medical or therapeutic techniques. It helps to relieve the side effects of illness, surgery, stress, and chronic illness and it can support and promote recovery.

Finally, it is important to understand that it is not connected with any type of religious practice and that the healing energy comes through the practitioner from Source Energy (aka your Divine Flow of Energy) and NOT the energy of the practitioner. The Practitioner is the Facilitator and your soul and body executes the healing work. 

The Practitioner is the Facilitator; You and Your Soul are the Healer.